Monday, May 24, 2010

Hmm, April has Come and Gone.

Hmm, well, I haven't been up to much lately, at least not on the computer. We had a crash. We were able to revive it back to how it came out of the box but that means we lost everything we hadn't yet backed up. We were able to get most of the pictures but lost all of our installed programs and music. It's been very frustrating.

 During this time, we've been pretty busy with other stuff. If you haven't heard yet, we made the decision to move to Houston with my work. We took our "preview trip" at the end of April and ended up finding a house we really liked and at a decent price. So everything has been on fast forward since then. We close on the Houston house June 30th and I just scheduled the movers to come to Fayetteville July 12. TONS of paperwork, cleaning for appraisers and inspectors, Chris is done with school and Charlotte's no longer in daycare. There's a lot going on. The only reason I'm getting to do this now is because Chris took Charlotte to Conway for a couple of days to get in some Meachum Family time before we go.

Anyway, just wanted to post some fun pics from the last few weeks.

We dog-sat for Val and Jonathan and I love these pictures. Nobody gets to hug on Buster like Charlotte does. For some reason, Buster lets her do anything and they love each other so much! Before I got these pictures, they were taking rides in the basket together while Chris pushed.

These pics are after we walked in the Race for the Cure. We got lots of goodies afterwards, Charlotte LOVED this giant sucker. She thought it was so funny to put it all in her mouth at once.

This was our trip to the Razorback Baseball game with our small group from Church. Charlotte wanted to see the piggie so badly and I was so excited he actually came over to see us but as soon as he got close, Charlotte wanted NOTHING to do with him. She was scared to death! But of course, as soon as he left she wanted to go see him again.

Braden and Charlotte

All of our small group ladies: Brittany, Lisa, Meredith, Heather and me. 

All of our small group men: Matt, Andrew, Dave, Chris, Ben, and Brad 

The whole gang, except Ben and Brittany who got away before we could find anyone to take the pic for us.