Monday, April 27, 2009

"Wild" Weekend

Charlotte, Val and I went to the Race for the Cure Saturday. It was so crowded but Char did great. They had Bark for the Cure this year so she was pretty happy to just sit in the stroller and watch all the dogs go by.
After that, we decided to make good of such a nice Sunday and went to the Wild Wilderness Safari in Gentry with Val and Jonathan. Of course at the time I had no idea that the swine flu had become such a huge problem. Good thing they had hand sanitizer at every station. It was a lot of fun, probably more fun for us than for Char. Here are few pics.

This little baby wanted to eat Char's shirt right off of her. When I wouldn't let him eat that, he went for her pants!

She was having so much fun petting all the little goats. I think she was trying to hug this one.

The camels were much friendlier than I thought. Char didn't know whether to laugh or cry bc they were so funny but they just stuck their big fat heads right in our faces and made her a little nervous.

Val's fave: the llamas

We had to keep the windows up for the bossy emus.

This was at the beginning of the drive. By the time she got warmed up to the idea, she was practically hanging out of the window!

She was most interested in this snake. Maybe bc it was on her level and she could get up close to it.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Spring Game

This weekend was the Red and White game. They had some fun activities at the stadium before the game started so we thought we'd check it out. Also, since it was all free we figured this would be a good chance to see how Char would do at a real game. It didn't take long to figure out - we left just before half-time. I can't blame her for not wanting to stay, she slept in late so she hadn't had a nap and there was way too much going on for her to try to sleep at the game. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted. Here are a few pics...

I'm not sure where she learned this, but as soon as they started to "Call those Hogs" she knew just what to do! Chris and I were amazed and couldn't stop laughing. Woo Pig Souie!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Weekend

We got up early (at least for a Saturday morning) and got all dolled up to take some pictures in Char's pretty Easter dress that my mom made again this year. We tried going down to the Fayetteville Square but soon found out that the Farmer's Market had already begun for the year and it was packed. Then I remembered driving by this place on my way, The Inn at Carnall Hall, on the U of A campus. It was so pretty and Char had a really good time running around everywhere and finding new places to explore. I think they turned out pretty well.

After pictures, we had to go straight to our Church egg hunt and picnic. Once again, Char was not too impressed with the whole idea of "egg hunting" and was way more interested in the playground.

I got to help hunt the eggs this time since Chris had to work.

She had a ball on all the slides. Jonathan and I took turns taking her down them while Val got the pics. The funniest part about them is her hair flying everywhere.

She just couldn't wait for me to get her turned around at the top so she went down on her own.

Blowing kisses