Sunday, November 23, 2008

Picture Day!

Thursday we took Char for her birthday pics. She was pretty nervouse about sitting on a big white space all by herself so we didn't get many smiles. She loosened up a bit when they brought out the big teddy bear. Here are a few of our faves...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Yummm... Chocolate!

Charlotte was being very sneaky tonight. She was being very quiet digging through my purse but we didn't mind because it gave us both time to eat in peace. However, Charlotte was also having something to eat. She found a tiny Hershey's Miniature candy bar in my purse left over from Halloween. By the time we figured out what she was doing it was too late. She had a mouth full of Chocolate.

Monday, November 10, 2008

On the move!

Charlotte took her first steps all by herself yesterday!!! She teased me the first time by leaning on Chris to where I couldn't tell but a little while later she took several steps without any help. She just saw something she wanted and went after it without even thinking. It was pretty impressive. She's got exactly two weeks before her first birthday so maybe she'll actually be walking by then.
And No, we do not have the camera on constantly so we weren't able to get any pictures:(

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Pictures in the Park

Here are a few pics from yesterday. We desperately tried to get a nice picture of all three of us but it was difficult with the sun in our eyes, wind in our hair, and positioning the camera so we could use the self timer!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Halloween 2008

Charlotte didn't really like her costume, she pretty much became catatonic as soon as we put her in it. It was so pitiful but so darn cute.