Friday, January 29, 2010

December Catch-up

Alright, Here are just some fun pics from December

Char found my bag of hair-things and thought she needed to put ALL of them on. And yes, she did this all by herself, I was in the other room and came in to find this...

This was at our friend's Ryan and Keisha's 30th Bday party.

Gingerbread house building. Charlotte was mad bc I made her stop eating candy for two seconds to take a picture.

After the gingerbread house, we put together our one outdoor decoration - the penguin. It was a nice enough day to just sit and hang with him for a few minutes. Yep, that's candy cane all over her mouth.

At the Fayetteville Square.

The miniture pony on the square

The pony rides we tried out in October, still not quite ready for them.

Our House

We dog sat for Val so each of the dogs got their pic taken in front of the tree.
Here's Buster



and Boscoe

Charlotte and I went down to Lonoke for my mom's side of the family's Christmas dinner.
We got to Lonoke a little early before the party so we found this little park and stopped to play for a while.

Here's a pic of the sunset on the way. All of those tiny black spots on the water were ducks.

My cousin's deer

My dad found this funny little trike and decided it would be fun to push Charlotte around on it. It was fun until she crashed a few too many times.

Jonathan is such a good sport to play with Char so long

Our newest ornament, thanks to a church gift exchange. I do love some Chick-fil-a!!

Christmas at our house

Charlotte wanted to help put the sit 'n spin together.

Then she wanted me to try it out.

Christmas Catch-up with the Meachums

We went to Conway the weekend before Christmas to spend some time with the Meachum clan. We got there Saturday night and then after church Sunday, Melanie had everyone over for Christmas dinner and presents.

All the kiddos anxiously awaiting present time.


Chris got a couple of CDs that were on his Christmas list!

Kirsten, Zack and Christopher

Her new puzzles that she really loves

Brenda got a new digital picture frame from all the kiddos.

This was the giant present from Jojo that took FOREVER to open.

Here's what was inside

We think she liked it...

Brenda, Jojo, Melanie Chris and Charlotte, Michael and Kirsten, Momo, Christopher and Zack

Christmas Catch-up with the Hemphills

For Christmas with the Hemphills we all drove up to Osage Beach Missouri where mom and dad got us all one big cabin for the weekend. It was fun to all be together again (since it usually only happens about once a year now). We had a pretty big winter storm come through while we were there so we didn't get out of the cabin very much but we did get to go swim at the indoor pool and then hit the outlet malls the day after Christmas.

All the Hemphills: Dan and Laurie, Dad and Mom, Val and Jonathan, Chris, me and Char.

Laurie got a new embroidery machine - that's about the most excited I've ever seen her on Christmas.

Dan was pretty excited about it too... not really.

Charlotte wanted Pop Pop to read the Super Mario Brothers instruction booklet to her.

This is the little blanket Laurie made for her. She doesn't look like it, but Charlotte actually wanted to take lots of pictures with it.

The backpack full of food for her new kitchen set

Gotta make sure there's nothing left in the bottom!

Thisis the little baby sled my dad found for Charlotte. Since it was way too cold to go outside, we just pulled her around inside. She was loving it so much.

Loved it so much she wanted to give all of her new friends a ride in it!!

We got back to Fayetteville to discover we'd missed out on all the snow, this was what was left by the time we got outside to play.